Siapa yang sampai hari ini belum pernah menggunakan Opera Mini. Bagi anda yang sudah akrab dengan Opera Mini, silahkan lewatkan bagian ini, tapi bagi anda yang sama sekali belum tahu makhluk jenis apa Opera Mini itu, silahkan simak sedikit penjelasan ini. Opera Mini ialah sebuah aplikasi/software web browser berbasis Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) yang dikembangkan khusus untuk perangkat mobile seperti handphone. Karena itu, handphone yang digunakan juga harus mendukung platform J2ME. Namun, anda tidak perlu khawatir karena saat ini hampir seluruh handphone yang beredar di Indonesia, sudah mendukung platform J2ME tersebut. ??? Kasihan sekali, itu berarti anda sangat-sangat gaptek seperti ayah saya
Dengan aplikasi ini, anda dapat menjelajahi dunia maya cukup dengan menggunakan handphone anda. Jika anda bertanya "Apa bedanya dengan browser standar yang tersedia pada setiap handphone?". Jawaban saya simpel saja. Try it...(Bukan promosi loh, saya gak dibayar sepeser pun sama orang Opera ). Fitur-fitur yang dimiliki aplikasi ini (menurut saya) jauh lebih baik dibanding dengan apa yang dimiliki oleh browser standar hanphone. Oleh karena itu aplikasi ini menjadi aplikasi wajib bagi orang-orang yang biasa menjelajahi dunia maya. Berikut ini fitur terbaru dari Opera Mini Beta yang saya kutip dari situs resminya.
New in Opera Mini 4.2
Personalize Opera Mini by choosing a new colorful skin. We have reintroduced the popular skinning feature from Opera Mini 3.Performance
Opera Mini 4.2 can use our newly established server park in the US. This means significantly faster page downloads for our users in the Americas and Asia-Pacific region. Users in the rest of the world will also experience faster page downloads since we’ve reduced the load on our other servers.Video
We are working to make video content available on more phones through Opera Mini. If you have a new Sony Ericsson or Nokia phone, the chance is high that you can take Opera Mini for a spin on your Notes
The handy Notes functionality from the Opera Desktop Web browser just got more portable through Opera Link. All of your notes are available in Opera Mini directly from the Bookmarks menu.Still from Opera Mini 4.1
Now even faster
Prior to this release, we upgraded our servers and Opera Mini now receives your requested Web pages up to 50% faster. So you can now access sites like Facebook, BBC, and any of your other favorite Web sites even faster, with Desktop-like speeds.
Find things faster
The new Opera Mini 4.1 lets you search for text within a Web page so you can get to the information you need even quicker than before.
Get to your Web sites faster
When typing Web addresses, Opera Mini 4.1 will recognize and suggest completions for you based on your bookmarks and browsing history, making address input faster, easier and much more intuitive.
Download and upload files
On phones with JSR-75, you can now upload and download files using Opera Mini 4.1, without being re-routed to your phone’s native browser. Update your blog while on the go. Upload photos to your Web site or social network. Add attachments easily to Web-based email, and download other non media-rich content to your phone using Opera Mini 4.1.
Save it for later
On phones with JSR-75, Opera Mini 4.1 lets you save pages for offline viewing so you can quickly access and read your desired Web content, even when you’re on a plane, in the subway, or in other places where you can’t get network reception. Depending on your phone, you may need to choose a destination folder for storing pages for offline viewing.
Existing Top Features
Sync bookmarks and Speed Dial
Opera Mini 4.1 features Opera Link, which allows you to synchronize your bookmarks and Speed Dial with a computer running Opera 9.5 or other mobile device running Opera Mini 4.
To use Opera Link with Opera Mini, simply choose “Synchronize Opera” from within Opera Mini and enter your current My Opera login details (or register a free My Opera account) to synchronize your bookmarks between your phones and computers. Access and edit the bookmarks from any other browser by going to the Opera Link page.
View pages in Landscape mode
To view the Web on a wider screen, just hit * # and flip your phone to the side to enjoy browsing in Landscape mode. Change your default view to landscape by turning “Landscape mode” on inside the Settings menu.**
Give your phone a mouse
Opera Mini gives your phone a virtual mouse, so you can easily scroll in any direction. Move the mouse cursor towards what you want, and then it quickly snaps your view to the link or content.
Power scrolling shortcuts
Scroll at warp speed using your phone keypad. Find your way around on the Web pages quicker by using your phone’s number keys. Press 2 to go up, 4 to go left, 6 to go right and 8 to go down. Hitting 5 zooms you in and out.
Create custom search shortcuts
Just like in Opera for your computer, you can create your own Web search from any search field on the Internet using Opera Mini 4.1. Simply click on the search field that you want to grab on a Web page and then choose “Create search” within your menu alternatives. Then you can enjoy making frequent searches without having to type in the site link again.
Tools and support for Web designers
We support Web designers who want to make their Web sites look even better to those browsing with Opera Mini. In Opera Mini 4.1, we have included all of the CSS support that Web designers need to make their Web pages look pixel perfect on in the mobile Web world.
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Klik Gambar Dibawah Untuk Mendownload Opera Mini 4.1
aku udah pake loh miiiik...emang kereeeeen..lebih bagus... lebih cool...haiaaaah